
School Garden History

The VictoryGrower website supports the notion that gardening is an excellent way to increase food security (the amount and quality of food) in America. Gardening enables youth, families and entire communities to improve their access to Good Food.

This section of VictoryGrower provides information about successful historical gardening efforts that have made a real difference in American life, including Liberty and Victory Garden programs, the US School Gardening Army, etc.

On the following page you can find examples of current public policies that are successfully promoting school, home, or community garden efforts across the United States. It includes The California School Garden Story PowerPoint Presentation, a historical look at GBL in California as well as a summary of CA Assembly Bill 1535 http://groups.ucanr.org/victorygrower/Whats_New_Public_Policies_that_Work_/The_California_School_Garden_Story.htm

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